INTERVIEWS: English Teachers In Korea Talk About The Job (At Korean Language Exchange Event)

This week I went to my usual language exchange event on a Tuesday night, only this time I decided to bring the gear and ask some questions to to my English teacher friends who were also there. A lot of people want to hear from those who are over here teaching English and get a first hand accounts of what it’s like.

So I got to sit down with a couple of them and ask a few questions. I also chatted a bit to the Korean students at the language exchange so you’ll see our deep philosophical back and forwards (yes I’m kidding 😉 ).

Check out the video!

Tried to jump around a little and get a few insights from different people 🙂

If you have any questions about teaching in Korea, life here or the process of applying shoot me a message here and I’ll get back to you!

If you want full advice and support while applying to teach English in Korea check out our Ninja Teacher Community. We help you out with everything from applying for different programs to landing a great job!

Chat to you soon! Cheers.

Teaching in Korea