How To Make Money Online & Be Location Independent (Teaching English Online)

The world changed a lot last year. Even before that, though, there were some remarkable shifts taking place in the way we conducted our work and, more specifically, where we could work from.

It crept up on us without us even really noticing – within the last 10 years internet speeds and the advancement of digital communications platforms made working entirely online a real possibility. You could then also be location independent. You weren’t tied down to one place because you needed to show up to an office.

This gave birth to the term “digital nomad” that’s gained a lot of popularity in recent times. People capitalized on this opportunity and started to travel the world while running an online business or freelancing.

Personally, I’m not a huge fan of the term as I find it a little pretentious. 😅 It does the job of conveying the benefits of living this lifestyle though!

So in today’s video I show you what my life is like as someone who is working online and living where I want to (currently in the beautiful city of Da Nang, Vietnam.)

I also get into how you can start your own journey into working online and being location independent by teaching English online. It’s one of the fastest and easiest ways to do so!

So check out the video here:

Don’t get me wrong, physical English schools aren’t going away anytime soon. But it is possible to learn a language entirely online these days. Which means you can earn money by teaching a language online.

So if you want to start teaching English online, you can enroll in our Online TEFL Course to get certified to be an English teacher. A TEFL certification (or similar teaching certification) is required by just about every single online teaching company I’ve heard of, so this is where to start:

Get TEFL certified to teach English online!

We’ve hit over 200 enrollments for our Online TEFL Course that was launched under a year ago and have had fantastic feedback about the course from our trainees.

Plus, I’m feeling very optimistic about the future of teaching abroad and how things are going to pan out this year with more travel options. So now’s the time to get set up with online work!

So if you’re interested in joining the Ninja Teacher community and getting your own teaching English journey underway, sign up for our Online TEFL Course and get certified to become an English teacher.

Enroll in our Online TEFL Course (currently at 20% off):

Get Started Today!

We hope to see you inside and help you get a online teaching job and / or move to Vietnam and get a job here in the not-too-distant future.

– Alex Stevenson

Teaching English Online