Infamous Korean Teachers Dinners

A lot of people hear about the infamous Korean teachers dinners that you often attend when teaching English in Korea. They’re essentially an excuse for your entire school’s teaching staff to get together and eat a lot of food and drink a lot of Soju. It’s super fun and if you’re thinking of coming over to teach English here it’s definitely something you can look forward to.

I recently shot a video on the topic of these dinner and went into some detail about eating live octopus, explaining the drinking culture and talking about the respect for elders that happens at these events. So go ahead and give it a watch:

I actually recently had our last teachers dinner after a year teaching at my school. It was a great one because I got to compare it to the first one that happened soon after I arrived in Korea – when I was nervous, confused by Korean culture and struggling with the language barrier.

This time around I was very aware of the close relationships I’d built up with many of these people and was even able to understand a fair amount of what was talked about and communicate, even if in a very basic way a lot go the time.

These Korean teachers dinners are a great experience overall so definitely check out the video. 🙂

If you’re interested in getting started teaching in Korea you can check out our quick start guide to getting started over here.

Let me know what you think of the video and shoot me any questions you have about getting started – I reply to them all.

Life in Korea, Teaching in Korea