Should You Teach English In Korea After College or University?

A big question for any student is what you’re going to do when you get out into the big bad world. This post is going to talk about why going to teach English in Korea after college or university is a great idea and why you should consider doing it.

Check out the video where I break it down for you.

[youtube BS3qbu9g8mw 640 360]

Here are my top reasons for saying that, yes, you should definitely consider teaching English in Korea after college or university:

1) If you don’t want to start down a set career path just yet

If you’re just getting out of college or university there’s a good chance there’s a career you could start out in that gives you a very fixed path to follow for the next few years, if not the rest of your life!

If this is a daunting thought to you then taking a year gap to go teach and travel may just be the perfect thing to do. It gives you an opportunity to take a break from the rat race, and who knows, maybe even reassess if that’s what you want to do with your life.

And that leads me to my next point, which is…

2) Do it if you don’t know what you want to do with your life

Even more likely than the above scenario is that’s you’ve graduated and have no idea what you want to do now, or have started working and are just not sure if you’re doing the right thing.

Teaching in Korea is the perfect thing to do in this case. It gets you out of your bubble of familiarity and forces you to reassess your values and what makes you happy, as well as what direction you want to go in life.

3) Pay off student loans

Of course if you’re studying there’s a big chance you’ve racked up some student dept, or at least have some money to pay off. In this case it’s a no brainer to come across here as you can save a ton of money. Check out this article for a breakdown of what you can earn.

4) Save up for further studies, investment or traveling the world

Likewise, you can put a lot of money aside to spend on whatever else it is that floats your boat. If you’re planning on studying further, you can save up enough for a degree in a year or 2. You can also put aside money that’ll give you a great safety cushion in the future, or invest it.

Something I see many teachers do is work for a year and then go travel for 6 months or more on what they saved. It’s downright awesome that you can do something like this and I definitely plan to myself. South East Asia is a cheap plane ride away and you can travel there for months and months on a single months salary when you’re teaching English in Korea.

5) Teaching can be highly rewarding

Lastly, I’d say the teaching itself can be very rewarding. It can also potentially be a very easy job that you can slack off in and just enjoy living abroad. However, I highly recommend you put effort into being the best teacher you can be as it will give back to you more than you can imagine. If you already love teaching, you’ll know what I’m talking about. If not, don’t worry, I didn’t either and didn’t come here because teaching was my passion. It has become something I am passionate about though.

So overall I think teaching English in Korea after college or university is a great option and I’d highly recommend it. Have any other questions? Leave them in the comments section and I’ll get back to you 🙂

Also check out this article: 5 reasons why you should teach English in Korea

Teaching in Korea

2 thoughts on “Should You Teach English In Korea After College or University?

    1. Alex Stevenson on

      I wouldn’t be so irresponsible to suggest such a thing… but you do know what I’d say about it 🙂

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