Moving Abroad To Teach English in Vietnam (A Week In The Life)

Arriving in a new country to start teaching English is quite an experience.

It’s not the same as traveling for a regular vacation. You’ve made a decision to actually live abroad for an extended period of time. It’s exciting, scary and quite possibly the biggest change you’ve made in your life.

I have vivid memories of arriving in South Korea, the first country I taught abroad in, and I actually have a video on YouTube from nearly 10 years ago showing my first week in Korea.

What a crazy world we live in! I’ve been able to document my journey teaching English abroad, as well as the growth of Ninja Teacher into an organization that helps people start their own adventures, through these videos and the internet, so that you can see for yourself what it’s like.

My orientation in Korea actually inspired the way we now run our Vietnam TEFL Program orientation, as I remember how much it helped me settle in to a new country and make friends.

So I decided to make a video showing you what our orientation looks like and how your first week of moving to Vietnam to teach English might look:

I think this video does a good job of giving you a behind-the-scenes look at what your first week of moving to Vietnam to teach will be like if you join one of our programs.

There’s quite a lot involved in the process but our Vietnam TEFL Program helps you with everything you need, including pre-departure assistance, in-country orientation, classroom-based training and guaranteed job placement. 

Myself and members of the Ninja Teacher team have gone through the process ourselves and it’s our mission to make getting started teaching in Vietnam a smooth and enjoyable experience for you.

Teaching English in Vietnam, Vietnam