Teaching English In Korea Requirements

So you’ve had a look at teaching English in Korea, decided it looks kind of interesting and you want to know more. The first thing you need to know are the teaching English in Korea requirements to get a job here. So I went ahead and made a video that covers just that:

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Teaching English In Korea Requirements

Here are the basic requirements you need to get started. Like I mentioned in the video, these are required to get a visa to teach so it’s virtually impossible to get a job without all of the following:

1) Be a native English speaker from one of the designated countries, which includes USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and the UK

2) A bachelor’s degree in any subject – It doesn’t have to be in English or education, although you need to have a TEFL course if you aren’t a certified teacher.

2) A TEFL course – You want to get a TEFL course that has around 120 hours and you ideally want one with at least 20 of them to be in-class hours. There is also the option of a CELTA course. I weigh up the pros and cons of each option and which is the best video in this article.

3) Have a clear criminal record – you need to have a clear criminal record to work in Korea so you’ll have to get a criminal background check from your country to prove this.

If you have any further question about teaching in Korea let me know in the comments or by contacting me. You can also sign up for a free 15 minute Skype consultation to chat to me personally 🙂

Teaching in Korea