Teaching English in Vietnam Salary in 2023

If you’re thinking of teaching English in Vietnam then you may just be planning to teach and live abroad for a year or two then move on to other things…

Or you’re coming into it with an open mind and might like to see where it leads and perhaps make a career out of it.

Either way, you’ll want to know how much you can earn when you first start teaching English in Vietnam.

Also, if you end up falling in love with Vietnam, you may be curious about what your options for career development are if you decide to stick around and pursue a career in Vietnam.

In today’s video we talk about the salaries for first time English teachers in Vietnam and the opportunities for career development:

Watch Here: Teaching English in Vietnam Salary in 2023 For New & Experienced Teachers

Hope that helps!

If you’re interested in living abroad, traveling and earning an income by teaching English then feel free to check our teach abroad programs for help with getting started.

Teaching English in Vietnam