Do You Work Weekends Teaching English In Korea? (EPIK and Hagwons Answered)

I recently got asked if you ever have to work weekends when teaching English in Korea. The answer to this varies a bit from school to school and between public schools (such as jobs through the EPIK and GEPIK programs) and private academies (hagwons).

So check out the video where I explain exactly what you are and aren’t required to do when it comes to teaching outside of normal work hours and how this varies from job to job!

That should clear things up for you nicely.

Refer To Your Contract

If in doubt about what the job you’re thinking of taking offers, always make sure to check and double check what the contract says. This is your biggest lifeline when it comes to jobs in Korea because if it comes down to a bad disagreement you can always whip out your contract and wave it around.

If you want to know more about the teaching hours you’re required to teach, check out this video on the topic, where I crack into the differences between public school jobs and kind of hours you can expect for different job situations.

As always feel free to contact me about any concerns you have about getting started teaching. You can also check out our Ninja Teacher Community which is the fastest, easiest way to get over here and living it up here in Korea! 🙂

Teaching in Korea